Ways to Boost Your Fertility and The Chances of Getting Pregnant

If you are ready to try and conceive and looking for ways to boost your chances of pregnancy, we have a few ideas to help you!  First, you want to understand your own body.  Knowing your cycle and pelvic discharge can be a huge clue to help optimize conception.  It is also really important to understand the body structures that play a role in fertilizing and growing an egg.  Sometimes those areas need help from a trained provider, especially if there are any restrictions in the tissues.  Keep reading below to learn more about ways to boost your fertility and the chances of getting pregnant. 

1. Your Cycle is Your Best Friend

Not all cycles are created equally! Many of us are taught that our cycles are 28 days long and we all ovulate on day 14. However, this is not always the case. For example, my cycle was between 25-30 days long and I ovulated around day 19 before getting pregnant. How I was able to keep track of my cycle was by utilizing a basal temperature thermometer, ovulation test strips, and keeping track of my cycle symptoms in an app such as Natural Cycle. By taking the first step of knowing your individual cycle, you set yourself up for success to optimize conception or recognize that something may seem “off” with your cycle. 


2. Yes, There is a Reason For Cervical Discharge

One thing that you can pay attention to when you are tracking your cycle is cervical mucus. Throughout your cycle your mucus can be a creamy texture and white color, but changes to an egg white consistency and clear color during ovulation. This change in cervical mucus allows for easier passage of the sperm. Sometimes, we need a little help to obtain the optimal mucus consistency. Some ways are making sure you are properly hydrated while avoiding inflammatory habits such as eating refined sugar, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Also, a pelvic health specialist can manually mobilize the cervix for optimal positioning, improving blood flow and mucus production. 

3. Sperm Needs a Clear Pathway 

Sperm not only needs optimal cervical mucus consistency, but it needs other reproductive organs to play nice as well. One such organ is the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is like the subway, providing passage from the ovary to the uterus.  This is usually where the sperm meets an egg for fertilization! However, if there is a twist or blockage in the fallopian tube, it can impair that important meeting location. Physical therapy can help to reduce or eliminate any restrictions, torsions or twists within the fallopian tubes using hands-on techniques to make it easier for sperm to pass through. 

4. The Reproductive Organs Are Like a Vampire… It Likes Blood

One of my main goals as a pelvic floor physical therapist when treating patients who are struggling with infertility is to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. This is important because blood flow provides the necessary nutrients to the tissues to optimize conception and pregnancy. By releasing muscular and fascia restrictions throughout the abdomen and pelvis this helps organs such as the uterus become soft and supple, creating a healthy home for the sperm and egg to meet and house your growing baby after conception. 

5. Nobody Likes Sinus Congestion, Why Would Your Pelvic Floor? 

Not many people know that there are a lot of lymph nodes that reside in the pelvic region. The job of the lymph nodes is to help pump fluid from the arms and legs and bring it back to the heart. However, a lot of the fluid that is coming from the legs can get stuck in the pelvis causing “congestion”. When congestion occurs, then it makes it difficult for optimal blood flow to reach the reproductive organs. You guessed it… congestion makes conception even more difficult. By getting the lymph fluid out of the way, the organs are then able to work properly! 

6. When In Doubt See a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

Reading this list may make treating infertility without the help of medications or surgery seem impossible. However, you don’t have to go through the process alone. By working with a pelvic floor physical therapist, you will get the hands on treatment to help improve blood flow, move lymph fluid to its destination, open up the reproductive passageways, and improve cervical mucus. Also, a pelvic floor specialist is here to teach you about your cycle and ways that you can optimize fertility at home between sessions! 

You don’t have to be struggling with getting pregnant to start working on ways to optimize your body and support a growing baby.  If you are interested in learning more, click here to check out our fertility guide.  We can also support you in person with an individualized plan, contact us today to schedule an evaluation!


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