Which menopause supplements are best for you?

Dealing with the hormone changes of menopause can be so frustrating but luckily, there are a few great menopause supplements that can help ease the frustration. And if you haven’t added in any menopause supplements yet into your routine, this might be the time to consider it!

Many women experience a wide array of menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, low libido, brain fog, weight gain, fatigue, and low mood. While it is very common to struggle during menopause, there are ways to help. Taking a menopause supplement ensures that you are getting adequate levels of each compound since it is often difficult to get enough solely from what we eat. 

Here are the 4 best menopause supplements to take:

  1. Taurine:
    One of the best menopause supplements you could take is taurine, which is an amino acid that is used for cellular energy production in the mitochondria. Since it has an impact on the mitochondria, this helps boost your energy and cognitive function, including mood.

    In addition to boosting energy, it also has a protective effect on our bone health and cardiovascular health. It can even help the ovaries make more estrogen which may help stabilize some of the symptoms you are experiencing from losing estrogen levels.

  2. Rhodiola rosea:
    Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen that works on the nervous system and has a calming effect. Oftentimes during menopause, the body’s stress system can get exacerbated due to the change in hormone levels. Rhodiola helps improve that and ultimately enhances mood, cognitive function and stress. 

    There are also some research studies that have seen a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and neurological system. This is so important because both of these systems are greatly impacted during menopause (which I always find so fascinating how estrogen impacts so many different body systems!). With lower levels of estrogen, you are more susceptible to cholesterol buildup in your arteries which can lead to heart disease. It also affects memory and cognitive function which rhodiola rosea can help mitigate.

  3. Magnesium:
    Along with taurine, magnesium helps calm the nervous system. Magnesium is one of those supplements that can greatly benefit most people with a wide array of effects, depending on what type of magnesium you take. In order to help calm the nervous system, a supplement that blends chelated magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate. Getting something “chelated” means that the magnesium molecule will not break apart into separate pieces that then repel water and make it difficult to be absorbed…and can lead to GI issues such as diarrhea.

  4. Zinc:
    The last menopause supplement that is beneficial to take is zinc. And it’s another great option that most people benefit from with several effects. Zinc has been shown to help improve hormone balance because it is needed for the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of estrogen and progesterone. This can be very helpful during perimenopause when your menstrual cycle starts fluctuating but also later in menopause to help balance symptoms.


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