Revitalize Physical Therapy

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10 Simple Ways to Exercise While Traveling

Traveling is great, but it can get in the way of your normal daily routine (exercise included)! While it can be hard to make time for exercise on vacation, it is important to exercise while traveling to help keep you in your routine and keep your body feeling strong. 

To help you out, we’ve put together some exercises that can be completed wherever you are, even if you don’t have access to a gym! The full routine will take you anywhere between 15-30 minutes depending on how many sets you are able to complete. All you’ll need is a chair or the edge of a bed! 

The key to exercising while traveling is to have fun with it. Starting or ending your day with exercise is good for your physical and mental health! Put some music on to make it into a morning pump-up routine, or get a little sweat session in before bed. 

If you experience any pain or discomfort with this exercise program, schedule an evaluation with one of our physical therapists! 

Upper Body and Cardio 

1. Tricep dips: 2-3 sets x 8:

a. Place hands behind you on the edge of a chair or bed.
b. Lower your pelvis towards the floor until you get a bend in your elbows to about 90 degrees. You can keep knees bent (easier) or knees straight (harder).
c. Raise back up until your elbows straighten. Repeat.

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2. Prone Y’s: 2 x 12 reps

a. Lay on your belly on the bed with shoulders just over the edge of the bed and hands dangling towards the floor in front of you.
b. Activate your low back and shoulder blades while keeping shoulders away from ears.
c. Raise arms up with thumbs pointed to the ceiling until they are level with your trunk. Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds. 
d. Lower arms. Maintain neutral position at the spine/neck. Repeat.

3. Jump Squat x 45 sec on, 15 sec rest x 2-3 rounds

a. Start in a squatting position, jump up. Gently land back on both feet simultaneously with a bend in your knees.
b. Repeat for 45 seconds.

10. Single Leg Hop in Place x 45 sec on, 15 sec rest x 2-3 rounds

a. Lift one leg off the floor. Place hands on your hips.
b. Gently hop in place completing small, but powerful jumps in place.
c. Keep a slight bend in your knee and keep the core activated.
d. Repeat one round then switch sides. Allow rest for the active side after the first round. 

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Lower Body and Core

4. Split Squat with Rear Foot Elevated: 2-3 sets x 8 reps each side

a. Place one foot (top side down) on the edge of the chair or bed.
b. Step forward away from bed with the opposite leg.
c. Lower rear knee and bend at front of the knee, controlling your body weight and avoiding twisting/turning at the trunk and hips. 
d. Push through the front leg until you are back into an upright position with the front knee nearly straight.
e. Repeat with the opposite leg.

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5. Modified Plank with Hip Flexion: 2-3 sets x 12 reps (6 each side) 
a. Place hands on the edge of the chair or bed.
b. Draw in the deep core by bringing the belly button towards the spine.
c. Create a straight line between your shoulders and your ankles.
d. Slowly march one knee up towards the chest while maintaining a straight position in the spine. Lower leg and repeat with the other side. 

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6. Modified Bridge: 2-3 sets x 12 reps
a. Sit next to a chair or bed. Place shoulder blades on the edge of bed or chair.
b. Squeeze glutes and lift hips off the floor until knees and shoulders are the same height. 
c. Lower hips back towards floor. Repeat.

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7. Side Lunge with Lateral Leg Lift 2-3 sets x 8 each side

a. Place one foot out to your side. Slowly come into a side lunge position while keeping your knee above your ankle.
b. Place all your weight on the lunging leg and slowly lift the opposite leg by contracting your side hip muscles. 
c. Come back to the starting position. Repeat reps with one side. Then switch and repeat all reps on the opposite side. 

8. Single Leg Sit-to-Stands: 2-3 sets x 8 each side
a. Sit at the edge of the bed or chair.
b. Lift one foot off of the floor and slightly extend out away from the ground.
c. Stand up using your hip and leg muscles to reach a full upright position. 
d. Slowly lower down to sitting by hinging at your hip and lowering until you feel the chair. Repeat all reps of your set on one side before switching to the opposite side.

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9. Prone Froggers 2-3 sets x 8

a. Lay on your belly with arms at your side or under your forehead.
b. Bring your heels to touch with your knees bent and out to both sides. 
c. Squeeze through glutes and lift the front of your thighs off of the bed.
d. Repeat one set before rest.

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With these exercises, you can continue to strengthen your body and stay in your workout routine even while away from home! If you experience any pain, discomfort, or pelvic floor dysfunction with these exercises, contact to schedule an evaluation with a Physical Therapist so you can get back to doing the things you love!