EP 38: Pelvic Floor Rehab Program - The Revitalize Remedy


As many of you know, we are a women’s health physical therapy clinic where we help women resolve common pelvic floor issues throughout the various stages of their life. After years of working with hundreds of women, we have developed our unique, proven program, “The Revitalize Remedy”, which we have found provides faster results with long-lasting success. This fully customized treatment plan includes 3 phases of rehab and also integrates treatment for the different nutrition, lifestyle, and physical factors that cause pelvic floor issues. With this new program, we are providing so much more than just physical therapy and our client results show it! If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a consultation here: www.revitalize-pt.com/initial-consultation

Show Notes:

[0:00 - 1:02] Introduction

[1:03 - 2:13] What we do at Revitalize

[2:13 - 7:23] What makes us Different

[7:23 - 9:17] What to Expect (Plan of Care)

[9:17 - 11:33] New Program - The Revitalize Remedy

[11:33 - 15:28] Patient Scenario Example

[15:28 - 16:55] Nutrition Importance

[16:55 - 21:06] Stress Reduction Methods

[21:06 - 22:30] Focusing on long term Success

[22:30 - 25:35] Are you ready to feel Revitalized? 

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EP 39 The Revitalize Woman Podcast ft. Kristin Majinski


EP37 - Strength Training for Women