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Posture and the Pelvic Floor

We all know how important posture is for your neck and back, but did you know that bad posture could affect your pelvic floor?

Good vs. Bad Posture:

First, let’s start with what is “good” versus “bad” posture. This picture is a great example of good versus bad sitting posture at a desk. 

Key Points of Posture to Be Aware of:

1. Your feet should be flat and in contact with the floor/stool
2. Make sure your chair has proper lumbar support
a. You may need to add extra lumbar support to your chair to be sure that there is a mild curve through your low back 
1. A small pillow, a folded up sweatshirt or towel, or a specific “lumbar support” pillow can be used to give proper support
2. Make sure you are sitting forward onto your “sitz bones” instead of on your tailbone
3. Your forearms should be at or below the level of your elbows. 
a. You may need to adjust the height of your chair (or if possible desk) to attain this position, and then may need a stool/support for your feet. 
4. The top of the screen should be at eye level

The Abdominal Muscles and Pelvic Floor:

For this blog, we will consider the abdominal muscles to include the rectus abdominis (the “six pack muscle”), the obliques, and the transverse abdominis (the deepest muscle of the abdominals). The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles at the bottom of the pelvis that provide support to the organs, control bowel and bladder emptying, and provide sexual functions. The pelvic floor and abdominal muscles (specifically the transverse abdominis) co-contract with sitting and standing activities. This means, if the pelvic floor muscles turn on, so do the abdominals and vice versa. These muscle groups unconsciously work together to support your low back and pelvis during all normal daily activities to provide support. We need both sets of muscles to work as best as possible to prevent injuries. If the abdominals or pelvic floor muscles are too weak or tight, injuries can occur with simple tasks such as bending over to pick an object up. 

Posture, the Pelvic Floor, and the Abdominals:

In a study on healthy women, who previously had children, it was concluded that the pelvic floor is less active while sitting slumped versus sitting more upright.1 To put this more simply, the pelvic floor is relaxed more with bad posture, and is more naturally contracting with good posture. Slumped or bad posture could contribute to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles because they are in a resting state when sitting for long periods of time. Weakness of the pelvic floor muscles can lead to issues such as incontinence, prolapse, and even pelvic pain. 

A common thought is that sitting in good upright posture for too long will be too fatiguing for the core muscles. When actually in reality, long periods of slumped sitting leads to abdominal fatigue, which can lead to decreased stability of the spine, therefore increasing the risk of injuring the low back, again due to weakness.2  So, overall, good posture will promote good strength of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. 

Simple Exercises for Improved Posture:

A few simple exercises that you can perform to improve posture include: shoulder blade squeezes, abdominal bracing, and chin tucks as described below.

1.Shoulder blade squeezes

a.Instructions: While sitting or standing, squeeze shoulder blades together. Be careful not to shrug shoulders up towards your ears.
b.Perform 10 reps, 1-2 times per day

2.Abdominal bracing

a.Instructions: While sitting or lying on back, draw belly button inward towards spine (as if trying to put on a tight pair of pants).

b.Perform 10 reps, 1-2 times per day

3.Chin tucks

a.Instructions: While sitting or standing, gently nod head down slightly draw chin backwards (as if to create a double chin).

b.Perform 10 reps, 1-2 times per day

In Conclusion:

With properly supported “good” posture, your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles will work together to support your pelvis and low back to help prevent weakness, and therefore injuries. If your workplace offers ergonomic assessments, take advantage of them! It could spare you long-term low back pain or pelvic floor issues! Also don’t be afraid to ask your boss about any equipment you need to improve your desk setup, as good posture can improve your overall health and productivity. Lastly, try to stand up every 30-60 minutes to promote blood flow in your legs, reduce eyestrain, keep you awake, and keep your body strong! If you have more questions about posture, low back pain, or pelvic floor issues please contact us at: to set up a FREE consult or PT evaluation. Or check out our website at:  


  1. Sapsford RR, Richardson CA, Stanton WR. Sitting posture affects pelvic floor muscle activity in parous women: An observational study. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2006;52(3):219-222.

  2. Waongenngarm P, Rajaratnam BS, Janwantanakul P. Internal Oblique and Transversus Abdominis Muscle Fatigue Induced by Slumped Sitting Posture after 1 Hour of Sitting in Office Workers. Safety and Health at Work. 2016;7(1):49-54.