Should I Be Wearing a Belly Band During Pregnancy?
One of the most common questions we get in the clinic is “Should I be wearing a belly band during pregnancy?”. Pregnancy creates a lot of demand on your body to support the extra weight of your growing baby. Often your doctor or a friend may suggest purchasing a band to help reduce symptoms of pain, pressure and heaviness. However, if you are looking for more advice, we have the answers to help determine if YOU should be wearing a belly band during pregnancy!
What is a Belly Band?
A device normally made of a compressive, cloth material that is wrapped around the abdomen to provide support to the belly as the baby grows during pregnancy. The compression can also assist in reducing pain by providing stability support to the pelvis.
Who Should Use a Belly Band During Pregnancy?
Anyone who is experiencing the following symptoms may benefit from the support of a belly band to help manage symptoms during their pregnancy:
Pelvic, Back, and/or Hip Pain
Abdominal Discomfort especially if Carrying your Baby Low
Symptoms that are worse with daily activities or exercise
Signs Your Belly Band is Doing More Harm than Good
Increased sensation of pelvic pressure, heaviness or bulging
You should not feel pressure downward onto your pelvic muscles when wearing the band! If you do notice these symptoms, then the band is likely too tight around your belly. Loosen the band to reduce pressure!
Difficulty taking a deep breath
Pregnancy in itself often makes it difficult to breathe, especially in the third trimester. If you notice this gets worse when the band is on, it is likely too tight or too high! Remove the band and make sure you feel pressure evenly along your belly and back when you re-apply.
How often should I wear one?
You DO NOT want to be wearing the belly band 24/7 as this would allow the trunk and core stabilizer muscles to shut off and take a vacation! We suggest wearing the band with activities that cause pain, or during periods when you know you’ll be on your feet for extended periods of time. You can also consider wearing the band during exercise if you are experiencing low back or pelvic pain.
What if the Band does NOT Help, What’s Next?
We recommend being evaluated by a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Specialist if symptoms do not seem to be improving or resolving with the use of a belly band. We know that the belly and the pelvic floor are very closely related, so we can help by ensuring you’re wearing the belly band correctly and also optimize your pelvic floor during pregnancy. Our goal is to help keep you active and minimize pain during pregnancy so you have an easier delivery and postpartum recovery!
At the end of the day, the most important consideration is that your belly band should bring you relief, not make your symptoms worse! If you’re still unsure whether a belly band is the right move for you, consult a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist Specialist for additional help! If you’re looking for more great tips on how to have a pain-free pregnancy, click here to download our free guide!